Love handles or a muffin tops, are deposits of excessive fat at the sides and the back of your stomach area. These unwanted fat bulges can be caused by a poor diet, lack of exercise, too much alcohol, hormones, genetics and age. They are quite stubborn areas of fat, despite healthy diet and regular exercises, causing concerns to many men and women.
To find out what treatments can help you, book a no obligation consultation with one of our highly trained practitioners at Novello Skin today.
We offer a range of treatments such as Aqualyx, which is developed for the non-surgical reduction of localised fat under the skin. It is biocompatible and biodegradable product. Aqualyx® works by causing the dissolution of fat cells. The body then expels the released fatty acids naturally.
Mesotherapy/Bio-Revitalisation which is a relatively painless, non-invasive treatment where small amounts of vitamins, minerals, amino acid products and medications injected beneath the surface of the skin to rejuvenate the skin, break down cellulite and improve circulation.
STARVAC stimulates blood and lymph circulation. It aims to eliminate the fat cells and remodel the body through skin texture and elasticity improvements.
The below treatments will treat this condition to give the very best result.